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Where to found base KDE modules?

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Where to found base KDE modules?

Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:27 am

I am trying to compile Kdevelop as an exercise to start understanding KDE structure. I got the KDevelop sources but CMake return me some issues about KDE4 framework missing (obvious, I do not have the KDE framework installed).

Looking at your Git repository (, there are plenty of project and searching I was unable to found some CMake missing modules:
Code: Select all
find_package(KDE4 4.7.0 REQUIRED)
include (KDE4Defaults)
include (MacroLibrary)
include (MacroOptionalAddSubdirectory)

I would ask you some hint about what to download in order to get those modules.

Currently I setup a folder, with a KDevelop_SOURCE_DIR environment variable pointing to it. I have Qt, C++ compiler, a CMake tool, an IDE (still not KDevelop).

Thanks for your time
Kind regards,


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