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KKeySequence key capture.

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KKeySequence key capture.

Thu May 19, 2016 9:39 am
I had been playing around with Kde Frameworks 5 and wished to find out how shortcut triggers are captured.

After checking the KKeySequenceWidget , i was troubled by some limitations.
1) I couldn't add more than one key sequence for a shortcut. For that i believe we should add a plus icon on ecm hotkeys triggers for creating an additional KKeySequenceWidget so that we can capture more key sequences.

2) My main itritation is that i cant capture meta as a simple key. I know most of you will say that meta is a modifier key and not a simple key and my reply is that we should add that option regardless because windows,gnome and most other DE have that funcionality.

3) Now something that i believe is a contradiction. My laptop has some extra buttons for movies or something and they dont work on linux. Since i had 2 extra keys i added shortcuts for plasma media center and kodi. Now these 2 keys are captured correctly but here is the contradiction. These 2 keys arent keysequences but single key presses/releases . They shoulnt be recognized as key sequences because key sequences are by definition when you press 2 or more keys and not 1.

Also a single meta key press should be recognized as a simple key when it is released and not as a modifier all the time. For a solution i would think Qshortcut is a good idea. But instead of single key we should have more ( array , linked list or something) and also either we fix QKeySequence or we create a new class for keys so that it recognizes meta key release.


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