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Substitution for the kdialog shell helper tool

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Hi :-)

With KDE 3 and 4, there was the "kdialog" helper tool to be used in shell scripts. I read that, when moving to KF5, one should substitute the kdialog classes with qdialog. Also, at least here on Gentoo, there's no kdialog program using Qt 5 anymore (only the Qt 4 / KDE 4 version is left).

So is there any followup tool so that one can keep scripting with QDialogs?

Thanks for all help!
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l3u wrote:I read that, when moving to KF5, one should substitute the kdialog classes with qdialog.

True, if you write an application using the KDE Frameworks/Qt5.
QDialog should offer everything that KDialog did, the latter is part of KDELibs4Support and deprecated (but still provided for easier porting of KDE4 applications, it probably will get removed in "KDE6" though).

But that doesn't necessarily mean that you shouldn't use the "kdialog" utility any more... ;)
In this regard "kdialog" is just an application name, unrelated to how the classes may be called or which one may be preferred or deprecated.
It doesn't even use KDialog for every dialog it supports, but other KDE dialog classes as well.

Also, at least here on Gentoo, there's no kdialog program using Qt 5 anymore (only the Qt 4 / KDE 4 version is left).

The KDE4 version should work fine, no?

Of course it uses Qt4/kdelibs4, but that shouldn't matter really.

It has been ported to KF5 (though it still uses KDialog for some dialogs internally), but it is part of kde-baseapps, which hasn't been released in a KF5 version yet.
You'd have to checkout the "frameworks" branch and compile that, if you want to use it.

So is there any followup tool so that one can keep scripting with QDialogs?

At least I don't know another one.


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