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Phonon internal backend

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Phonon internal backend

Wed May 17, 2017 1:06 pm
Hi everybody,

Apologies if this isn't the right place to post my question.

I'm working on a project for my current company and I have to work with Phonon in a Qt environment. We got an already existing code which uses Phonon and I need to understand which backend is internally used by Phonon itself as a default (as far as I can see no specific backend is explicitly asked when instantiating the needed objects).

Moreover I need to know if (I think so) an internal buffer is used when streaming a video with RTSP from a generic source.

I already wrote on the Qt forum and they suggested me to write here since it seems more a question about internal development rather than just using the library. I didn't find any documentation about this so I decided to write here. Can someone give me some hints?

I am using Qt 4.8 and Qt Creator.



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