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Where does the code for the default task bar calendar live?

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Hi :-)

I'm about to track down an issue with the kholidays library (cf. Bug #392274). The problem is that the default task bar calendar is showing me the holidays for the "de_by-de" holidays file, although my locale is "de_DE" (and thus, the "de_de" holidays file should be loaded). I'm speaking of this one, just to be clear:

After some testing, I found that, most probably, the problem does not live inside the kholidays library, but inside the code of that calendar. Seems like the wrong locale code "de-by_de" is requested directly: I wrote a small test program that uses KHolidays::HolidayRegion::defaultRegionCode() to instantiate a KHolidays::HolidayRegion object, and this function returns the correct "de_de" locale code, according to my system locale. So I wonder where that "de_by-de" locale request ever comes from. Most probably, it's some issue inside the calendar.

My problem is that I have no idea where the code lives that generates the calendar. I thought it was the "digital clock" plasmoid, or the "calendar" plasmoid. But apparently, it's neither one: if I start those applets using "plasmawindowed org.kde.plasma.digitalclock" or "plasmawindowed org.kde.plasma.calendar", I see a digital clock and a calendar if I click on it, or directly a calendar – but it's not the same as with the "default" clock, and no holidays are shown.

So: Which code displays this clock and the calendar? All help would be greatly appreciated, as I would really like to find and fix this issue.

Cheers, Tobias


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