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Programmatically move application window to another activity

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Dear plasma experts,

can someone give me a hint how to move an application's window (of a self-programmed application) from one activity to another via code (not necessarily in ObjectPascal, it could also be an external shell call)?

The application is written in Lazarus (FreePascal) and uses its UniqueInstance component ( ... tance.html).

This component has an event "OnOtherInstance", which is triggered whenever you try to start the program, while another instance is already running.

The desired effect would be to get the already running program on the activity where the second start attempt was made.

I would be grateful for any hint on how to
1. determine the activity on which a program window is located
2. move the program via code to the other activity.

@admins: you are welcome to move the question to another category, I haven't found a really suitable one...


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