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Using Notification Actions in KDE Connect using DBus

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Hello there,

I am creating a Desklet for the Cinnamon DE to interact with KDE Connect and show various information about a connected device(usually phone) like battery state, name and notifications.
To interact with KDE Connect i am using DBus and after updating to 1.4, I saw that there are new features such as Notification Actions, which are displayed in desktop notifications as buttons.
I wanted to impliment this functionality into my Desklet, so I looked at the DBus methods and found a sendAction method which requires a key and an action variable.

My Problem is, that I don't know where I should get the key and action variables from. For the sendReply method I cound use the replyId property. I saw, that there is an internalId property, but I don't know if that's useful.

I hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance.


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