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Made my first app with KDE framework, wish feedback.

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Hello everyone!
I recently adopt KDE desktop environment, and start learning more about KDE. I found that the community is very nice! And i wanted to get involved! I have a background with c++ but I'm a beginner with Qt & KDE framework and qml & kirigami, but I can learn of course!

So, I wondered what kind of application can I make that is useful for linux beginner and not too hard to make.

Therefore I come up with this app: AppLinkDesktop.
It is hosted on GitHub, Go try it!
It is a simple application to manage desktop shortcuts for application.
Under the hood it is a kirigami application that use a custom model in c++.

I want feedback from the community.
Especially :
- Do you think this application is useful?
- Is it well in phase with KDE Human interfaces guideline?
- I use Kirigami.action for the button at the top. And those actions do not have a "icon.fallback" member. Is there a workaround for the app to display icon in another desktop environment?


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