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The documentation is borderline impossible to follow

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I'm trying to learn how create KDE Plasmoids, but respectfully, the documentation is a mess. Maybe for someone who is already an experienced KDE Developer it's easy to understand and figure out, but for someone new, there doesn't seem to be any clear, concise, A-to-Z explanation of how Plasmoids work and how to create them. It's either "look at a default one and figure it out", or trying to somehow piece together some semblance of a walkthrough/tutorial through like 8 different articles/pages and a couple unfinished tutorials, some of which conflict with each other (ie metadata.desktop vs metadata.json ??)

Just my unsolicited feedback
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I'm not arguing with your conclusion, but feedback like that is simply not helpful. I think it's pretty well accepted that most programmers don't like to document. There are plenty of areas where documentation is inadequate or very out of date. Where multiple articles exist but seem to conflict, either there really is more than one way to do something, or one (if not both) is out of date. KDE does have a documentation team, but it is not large, and works mainly at keeping the manuals for the largest and most used applications up to date. There are probably mailing lists and/or IRC channels where you could get more help with more specific questions. Also, if you do figure it out, please consider adding your own documentation, or updating whichever one you think is already the closest to being adequate.


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