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PyQt question

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PyQt question  Topic is solved

Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:05 am
Okay, I've been running my head into a wall over this for a while, so I've stripped it down to the bare minimum and decided to reach out for a bit of help. Details of the problems are in the headers of the two links posted here:

The first one is working as expected, but the second one isn't. What I would like to know is why :)

UPDATE: It seems that it only fails to function on SMP systems. If forced to run with only one processor (ie: taskset -c0), then it behaves. Problems seems to exist with QApplication as well, so I've changed the topic to PyQt question since it's certainly no problem of KDE/PyKDE/KApplication. I would still love very much to know what's going on though!!

UPDATE: It seems it's just bad code, and it's a wonder that any of it worked at all. Here is the solution that I've decided upon thanks to a bit of friendly advice in #qt:

dwidmann, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Nov.


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