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ARPACK++ error "Matrix data contains inconsistencies"

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Hi !!

In the following code, I am trying to define a matrix in CCS (which is equivalent to CSR for a symmetric matrix, right ?) in ARPACK++.
I have installed and patched ARPACK++.
(The matrix is not sparse, but still it should not give an error)

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#include <iostream>
#include "arlsmat.h"//matrix class is here
#define N 3

using namespace std;

double acsr[]={7,1,1,
          1,3,6};//array with non-zero values
//actually, this is the whole matrix (there are no zero values !)

int ja[]={0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2};//column indices
int ia[]={0,3,6,9};//row indices

int main()
   ARluSymMatrix<double> arr(N, 9, acsr, ja, ia); //default value of  last parameter, uplo='L' (store lower triangle)
return 0;

This code gives me the error -
Arpack error in ARluSymMatrix::DefineMatrix.
-> Matrix data contain inconsistencies.

Why is this so ? I have checked the values of ia and ja by running intel MKl on the matrix to find the CSR (again, CSR=CCS for symmetric matrix, right ?), and the values are the same.

Is this some problem of 0 and 1 indexing ? Does ARPACK++ use 1 indexing ?

Thank you for your help in advance !!
Registered Member
Never mind, got it.

For someone else who might get stuck,

1. The function requires only non zero elements from the lower/upper triangle, instead of the whole matrix.

2. So, to get CCS considering the lower triangle, consider the upper triangle and calculate the CSR (CCS=CSR of transposed) and vice versa.
Then feed this into the function and it should be fine.


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