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Prevent Plasmoid settings dialog from closing on "return"

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I have a really annoying problem and I can't figure out how to get around it.

On my settings dialog, I have a QLineEdit, which is used to add items to a list. Naturally, when you type in an item, you press Enter. However, when enter is pressed, instead of just triggering a signal to add the item, it closes the whole dialog.

Is there a way to prevent it from closing by itself?

I've tried doing "parent->setDefaultButton(KDialog::None)" and KDialog::NoDefault in createConfigurationInterfce(), but it does not help :-\

I've also found no way to make the line edit to swallow the key-press.

Thanks in advance! :-)

Edit: Found it: You can either use KLineEdit with setTrapReturnKey(), or override keyPressEvent().

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