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kdevelop and debug

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kdevelop and debug

Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:42 pm
Hi all

I'm moving my project from kde3 to kde4.
I have set up a kdevelop4 project and almost everything works fine now with development.

But what I already tried to solve several times with no luck yet is the fact that when I set the cmake project to debug that it always compiles with O2 which causes the debugger to jump around.

Today I have found the setting in src/CMakeFiles/<project>.dir/flags.make.
I'm not very experienced with cmake but I have searched for the right way for setting it much longer including CXX_FLAGS and such things with no success.

What must I do to set it the right way?
Why is it not set to O1 (no optimization) as I would expect? Is it a bug?


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