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Idea for pop up palette in krita

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Idea for pop up palette in krita

Wed Dec 30, 2020 6:36 pm
When i worked with this menu I found 1 problem - it's to hard to find more detailed color tone or value (color wheel is too little, for pick more detailed tone or value). I think if user can change size of color wheel and tone triangle - process of finding color and vallue become much easier for some users. For me, personaly, it was just a Blessing, guys. Additional I have idea of additional wheel which pick selected color from main color wheel and make his more cooler and more warmer tones (as showed in a picture) and include more tones than main version (like some sort of "Zoom" of little fragment of main wheel). I will be happy if this feature will be in krita.


Some sort of analog "coldwarm" plugin in photoshop where prorgam is automaticaly shows more cooler and warmer tones of picked color.


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