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Beginner Q - Software Sources

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Beginner Q - Software Sources

Tue Jun 14, 2016 10:50 am
Hi all,

I'm very excited about Neon, but I'm a bit confused, and I have what I'm sure is a simple question about software sources.

Is there a Neon repository?
The sources in /etc/apt/sources.list all seem to be Ubuntu Xenial.
(The Configure Sources option in Discover doesn't seem to be working).

I understand that as of today, KDE Frameworks 5.23 and additional KDE Applications are now available in the KDE neon User Edition.
Where will these new applications appear? In Discover?

A related, follow-up question - I would like to install the Kontact suite, but it is not listed in Discover. (Individual KMail, KOrganizer etc are).
I can install Kontact from the terminal, which seems to be from a Ubuntu Xenial source. If I do so, and the Kontact suite is added to Neon later, will there be problems upgrading?

Sorry for the noobie questions, hope the above makes sense.

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Re: Beginner Q - Software Sources  Topic is solved

Tue Jun 14, 2016 11:13 am
brgreen wrote:Is there a Neon repository?
The sources in /etc/apt/sources.list all seem to be Ubuntu Xenial.


brgreen wrote:(The Configure Sources option in Discover doesn't seem to be working).

This is fixed for Plasma 5.7.

brgreen wrote:I understand that as of today, KDE Frameworks 5.23 and additional KDE Applications are now available in the KDE neon User Edition.
Where will these new applications appear? In Discover?

Regular updates in Discover, yes.

brgreen wrote:A related, follow-up question - I would like to install the Kontact suite, but it is not listed in Discover. (Individual KMail, KOrganizer etc are).

That's because we currently do not build Kontact and the version in Ubuntu is missing the metadata needed for it to show up in software stores. Which would supposedly get fixed if and when we build Kontact. Until then terminal is indeed the best bet.

brgreen wrote:I can install Kontact from the terminal, which seems to be from a Ubuntu Xenial source. If I do so, and the Kontact suite is added to Neon later, will there be problems upgrading?

It should not be. Not on a packaging level anyway. We try very hard to support stock package upgrades, only random PPA packages can cause problems.

Have an awesome day!

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Re: Beginner Q - Software Sources

Tue Jun 14, 2016 11:27 am
Brilliant - great answer - many thanks.
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Menak Vishap
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Re: Beginner Q - Software Sources

Fri Jun 17, 2016 8:46 am
Currently I had solved the problem with non-working "Configure Software Sources" (software-properties-kde) as temporary decision by editing /etc/lsb-release (change DISTRIB_ID value from 'neon' to 'Ubuntu').
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Re: Beginner Q - Software Sources

Fri Jun 17, 2016 8:47 am
Menak Vishap wrote:Currently I had solved the problem with non-working "Configure Software Sources" (software-properties-kde) as temporary decision by editing /etc/lsb-release (change DISTRIB_ID value from 'neon' to 'Ubuntu').

We do not use software-properties. We manage sources through packagekit.

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Menak Vishap
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Re: Beginner Q - Software Sources

Fri Jun 17, 2016 4:03 pm
apachelogger wrote:We do not use software-properties. We manage sources through packagekit.

May be it works for me because I did not install Neon from media, but just added Neon-unstable repo to kubuntu 16.04.

Could you give a cue, what kind of additional package I have to install (or may be configure something) to be able manage repos in way meant by Neon developers? And is there way to call specific dialog directly without running Discover?
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Re: Beginner Q - Software Sources

Sun Jun 19, 2016 11:38 am
KDE Neon sources.list:
Code: Select all
deb cdrom:[neon user _Xenial_ - Build amd64 LIVE Binary 20160609-08:40]/ xenial main multiverse restricted universe
deb xenial main restricted universe multiverse
deb xenial-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb xenial-updates main restricted universe multiverse

Code: Select all
deb xenial main
deb-src xenial main

I also switched from Kubuntu. You can easily switch from Neon developer's branch to user branch back and forth by editing file
Code: Select all
deb xenial main
deb-src xenial main

I did it successfully in both ways.

Related topic ... 1-KDE-neon
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Menak Vishap
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Re: Beginner Q - Software Sources

Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:30 am
My question was about a little bit another thing, namely about managing repos in general. Apachelogger says, that "We do not use software-properties. We manage sources through packagekit." But, as far as I understand, the packagekit itself is not a GUI application, but a kind of daemon using some frontends. In Neon I had not found anything like frontend to packagekit.

The only application which has menu item to call managing repositories is Muon. And it calls namely the "software-properties-kde", which works after editing /etc/lsb-release. It is OK for me, but after Apachelogger's message I had tried to find where is this frontend for managing repos through packagekit located. And I had found nothing. In Discover there is no button named "software sources" or similar.

I have such packages installed: packagekit, packagekit-tools, gir1.2-packagekitglib-1.0, packagekit-command-not-found, libpackagekitqt5-0, libpackagekit-glib2-16, libpackagekit-glib2-18.

So, the question is: where is the GUI tool for repos managing located, and if it is not implemented yet, then why can't one use the "software-properties-kde" if it works fine (after editing /etc/lsb-release)?

Upd: it seems, that I was wrong about Discover, it has a button which opens menu with item for repos managing. This button is just without any icon and with obscure borders, it is almost invisible, but exists. The dialog with repos is quite unconvenient, all repos just listed "as is" without any groping - Ubuntu official repos, Launchpad ppa's, Neon repo - all are mixed chaotically. And checkboxes before them are unaccessible, I failed to uncheck them with mouse.

Anyway, if I strongly prefer Muon against Discover as more traditional and convenient software manager, and Muon uses "software-properties-kde", which is also much more convenient and usable then Discover's dialog and, moreover, it can be called just from applications menu without running Muon - what is the reason to avoid it's using?


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