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Several issues with vanilla install

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Several issues with vanilla install

Tue Oct 11, 2016 1:37 am
Hello everybody,

I feel like I should write a little resumee about what's about a week worth of looking into the most basic of Neon including a LOT of re-installs. I came here in the first place for Mint 18 having available an image with a buggy version of KDE 5.6 which I wanted to update.
I really like the approach of a minimal installation on top of a great DE and Neon is just that. In fact it is so minimal, that the default application for mail, kmail is not even installed by Apparently this would be no problem for it is installed quick via Discover, I guess?


Oh well, no kmail for me if I didn't know how to use apt (I know, I know, I'm on Linux I have to know how to, or do I...?) Installing kmail via cli resulted in outgoing mail servers not getting recognized correctly, possibly because of missing recommends (I did not screenshot/note down that error, but well, was quite unfriendly).

So much for mail, of course you can say that everybody in 2016 should use browser-onry mail, but I disagree.
Next comment is actually on a step way back, the install from the latest user live ISO. I'm running UEFI only and the live USB (created with dd) works great. The installation process is straight forward and uncomplicated. Just if I don't connect to internet the installer will abort until the very end with this (yes every single time I tried, even when partitioning manually):


I read that this is an issue with Grub writing into 'neon' AND 'ubuntu' folders (?). This would explain the two entries "neon" and "ubuntu" I get when I enter my BIOS boot menu after installing. Oh luck for me as long as I don't have internet right away! On one install I was accidentally connected to internet and started downloading updates. My problem here? I had the "Download updates" checkbox unchecked!

Ok so I was forced to update during install for if I didn't I had no system on my computer. Now for the first session after installation. The live ISO comes with a really great shortcut "search" for "Run command..." which drops down from the top edge of the screen. This seems to be removed during the update and replaced with a "open-browser-go-to-google" command. Again this wouldn't bother me at all if it was easy to restore the before mentioned behaviour. But there's absolutely no easy way to find a shortcut for "Run command...". I looked into all keyboard shortcut groups in system settings, I looked into the "search" tab in system settings, I tried to open the app and set it from there, but the config button opens the system settings where again, there's no option for a shortcut. (Apparently my glasses failed me on this...) Sad. This is one awesome feature of KDE and it centralizes almost anything you would want to search/calculate/open. But I'm now left without it by default. (Not saying there's no config file for that, is there(?), but really?)

Well then, no "Run command..." for me neither. Getting slightly unhappy here. Moving on to customizing my desktop. Changing panels, switching desktop to folder view, setting my favorite wallpaper, unchecking the, in my opinion very weird, desktop toolbox, setting another icon for the home folder and some display and behaviour settings in dolphin etc. Thought it might be a good idea to reboot every now and then to see how Neon performs on my hardware.
On next (auto-)login to my surprise the folder view, the wallpaper, the toolbox and any widgets on it got restored to I thought maybe I did something wrong, right? Had to be me, but it happened again. And again. And still writing now it keeps happening. This is really upsetting me since I have to live with a default desktop for now until it gets fixed by default or hacking configs. Lots of icon themes, window styles, desktop themes, are not shown in system settings after downloading them. The large icon task switcher shows pixelated, upscaled icons for the default browser and for almost any third party app. Really minor issues, but still.

Please take note that all of this happens on a totally clean vanilla install from the latest user live ISO (downloaded on Sunday 10th of October) with absolutely NO extra applications installed and still NO apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade. Now don't tell me to issue these. I have done so, installed quite a few updates (after updating during and it changes nothing about any of the mentioned issues. My hardware is also pretty generic, a Samsung SSD, a MSI LGA1150 motherboard with an Intel G3258 and a dedicated graphics card which would have nothing to do with any of the above,...I guess...
On an earlier install from today I even got the system settings to sort of bug out when trying to change the task switcher shortcut. It wouldn't accept any changes any more and would just reset to NONE every single time I would want to apply/save changes.

I really embrace Plasma + Dolphin, it's my dream team. But it's not smooth at all on my end. If any of this has some real quick hack'ish .config fixes I would be glad to hear. But personally I think this is quite unacceptable for a vanilla user ISO. Still so I'm looking forward to the development of KDE. It's great software.
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