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New to Neon 5.8

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New to Neon 5.8

Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:11 pm
I just installed Neon and I am new to KDE. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Plasma and the Dolphin. I am learning my way around. I have installed cairo clock and I want to add some new themes to it but I have accessed my root folder but it won't allow me to add to the folder. How can I change something to add or delete from my root folders?

Also, everytime I shut down or restart my pc, the time and status menu end up in the left margin of the top panel even though I move them both to the right margin and click Lock Widgets. Also I have right margin clicked in the panel settings. How can I make it remain to the right?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: New to Neon 5.8

Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:38 am
misswham wrote:I just installed Neon and I am new to KDE. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Plasma and the Dolphin. I am learning my way around. I have installed cairo clock and I want to add some new themes to it but I have accessed my root folder but it won't allow me to add to the folder. How can I change something to add or delete from my root folders?

Also, everytime I shut down or restart my pc, the time and status menu end up in the left margin of the top panel even though I move them both to the right margin and click Lock Widgets. Also I have right margin clicked in the panel settings. How can I make it remain to the right?

Thanks in advance.

First of all, welcome to KDE!

Second of all, be very careful when pasting the theme files into the Cairo Clock theme folder. You can modify your root folders by running this command in krunner or konsole:

Code: Select all
kdesu dolphin

You can also try the native Plasmoid clocks which does not require root access, and is a lot more safer. Since if you are pasting stuff into your root folder, you better trust the sources of your downloads!

Not sure about the second problem. Maybe you can post before and after screenshots?
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Re: New to Neon 5.8

Mon Nov 21, 2016 2:59 am
It says "command not found", also where would I find plasmoid clocks? Is it in the widgets section and if so, does it have different selections of clock?
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Re: New to Neon 5.8

Mon Nov 21, 2016 5:31 am
misswham wrote:It says "command not found"

That's is strange. kdesu should be installed by default.

What does this do for you in the terminal?

Code: Select all
man kdesu

misswham wrote:also where would I find plasmoid clocks? Is it in the widgets section and if so, does it have different selections of clock?

Yes, you get them from the Widgets. Click "Get New Widgets" in the widget selection screen and type in "clock" in the search box to get more community developed clocks.
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Re: New to Neon 5.8

Mon Nov 21, 2016 6:40 am
on my pc
kdesu: command not found
So this command is not installed .
I did not know this command. I always use kdesudo. This command does the same. I think that this command also is not installed by default.

to install run in terminal:
sudo su
apt-get install kdesu (or kdesudo)

the problem with the place of the widgets is answered in an earlier post (but I do not know exactly where).
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Re: New to Neon 5.8

Mon Nov 21, 2016 5:24 pm
mesoptafel wrote:on my pc
kdesu: command not found
So this command is not installed .
I did not know this command. I always use kdesudo. This command does the same. I think that this command also is not installed by default.

to install run in terminal:
sudo su
apt-get install kdesu (or kdesudo)

Okay. If you can install kdesu or kdesudo, do that to invoke Dolphin. If not, use "sudo dolphin"

But be very very careful after you invoke it that you only touch what is necessary. I do not like the fact that Cairo Clocks needs you to touch system folders to theme your clocks, as a new Linux user can seriously mess up their system if they accidentally change something. There is a reason why this step is rather difficult to perform for new users.
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Re: New to Neon 5.8

Mon Nov 21, 2016 5:26 pm
mesoptafel wrote:on my pc
kdesu: command not found
So this command is not installed .
I did not know this command. I always use kdesudo. This command does the same. I think that this command also is not installed by default.

to install run in terminal:
sudo su
apt-get install kdesu (or kdesudo)

the problem with the place of the widgets is answered in an earlier post (but I do not know exactly where).

Oops. Sorry. I didn't notice that it was a different username!
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Re: New to Neon 5.8

Thu Nov 24, 2016 2:22 pm
I tried to use Rosaimagewriter in Neon and it didnt ask for root privileges until I did the reinstall and then it did. I went to synaptic and installed kdesudo (not found in the software center) and then after that, BAMMMM, I was able to get root access to use rosa and access my root folders.

Also the sudo dolphin command worked in Konsole and was able to get new Cairo Clock themes once I installed kdesudo from Synaptic
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Re: New to Neon 5.8

Thu Nov 24, 2016 5:11 pm
I suppose some of you noticed that KDE4 is "missing" kdesu, or were worried that it was replaced with kdesudo.
Well I am happy to report that this is NOT the case. You can actually very very easily get kdesu back to working like it was in KDE3.5

This one is actually pretty easy. In a terminal here is what you do:
Anywhere you see ## just after that is instructions you do NOT have to type the text directly AFTER the ## signs, what you have to type will either be BEFORE the ## on a line or the line will have NO ## signs.

Code: Select all
##Now you will see your prompt change from a $ to a # sign

##Don't worry, almost done now...
##[b]Thus can be made in a plasma 5[/b]

[b]ln -s /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu-distrib/kdesu /usr/bin/kdesu[/b]

##hit enter, then type:

##You are now back to your regular user in your terminal. Lets test that puppy out!

kdesu dolphin

##The normal kdesu dialog should pop up asking for roots password with the explanation that the program
##dolphin needs root permissions. You can just cancel the dialog box since it was only a test to see if the link


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