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cannot change brightness

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cannot change brightness

Thu Nov 24, 2016 10:14 pm
Hi everyone :)

Here is the issue, it is very simple: I was on kde neon 5.8.3, since I upgraded my computer yesterday to 5.8.4 I cannot change the brightness in any way :Fn+F2/F3 doesn't work (but the icon is displayed), battery widget neither .... I would say that the brightness is blocked to 10%. I tried everything I founded on internet, but nothing is working. I am also on ubuntu 16.10 , and I have no problem at all on this distribution. And I don't know if it is linked, but yesterday I upgraded my graphic drivers at the same time.
Has someone has a solution for this? It is so frustrating :(

Thank you :)
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Re: cannot change brightness

Fri Nov 25, 2016 3:56 am
Strange you should mention this. I have to use a script that loads on boot to modify xrandr and gamma, because my monitor has a green tint. It is in:


After I did the 5.8.4 update last night, I thought my green tint was back and checked the file was still there and had the right executable and other permissions.

I haven't had time to look at anything yet, but it looks like I wasn't imagining things. Hopefully someone will have some ideas as to what has happened.

Update: Just did some experiments via the terminal. It seems my display, which was VGA1, is now VGA-1. Changing that in my script fixed the problem for me. Hope this helps someone.

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Oh and I forget (I don't really know if I can talk about too issues on a same topic :-\ ), but I have a grapical problem with pictures: when I use the zoom the render is pixelated (and not smooth) in gwenview and in wallpaper it is even worse even for high resolutions. And at the same time the kwin blur effect render is of poor quality, despite the fact that I have configured my computer correctly.... maybe I'm wrong, but I tend to think that it is related. I haven't founded any question about this on internet, so I'm asking now :-\
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Re: cannot change brightness

Sun Jun 11, 2017 11:27 am
I found the solution to this issue, I think it could help a lot of people

I just removed the file usr/share/X11/xorg.conf/20-intel.conf, and now brightness control works very well :)

The only problem is that it works only when I do not update my video drivers


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