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Nvidia prime select reverting back to intel since 5.8.4

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So 5.8.4 happened and then I did the next little update after that and now everyday when I come home and boot and check it, it's always switched back to intel power saving mode. This laptop is always plugged into a power source and an external monitor. I also update to Nvidia 375 from 370. I check it in the Nvidia settings UI, it says power saving mode and then I switch it back to performance and it says ok it will get applied on next login (BTW, does that mean next time I open the nvidia settings app or literally next login to desktop). So what happens next is that if I try to use the menu system to shut down or reboot it won't turn off or reboot and says the greeter failed to show up. If I try to open console it will also fail and do the little unhappy face in the task bar.
If I hold down the power button to force shut it down (which is my only option) the next time I boot up it will again be set to intel power saving mode and I will have to go through the same thing again and then force shut it down and then after reboot NOW it sticks and Nvidia is on performance mode.

The other thing that has started happening since recent 5.8.4 is it refuses to play through my bluetooth headset even though everything in all volume settings are set to play through the bluetooth headset. and it says it is connected. disconnected and reconnected doesn't work. Flipping all the settings in volume controls including app specific back and forth to try to trigger it to play doesn't work. The only thing that worked yesterday is restart and then reconnect and it played. The same thing is happening right now, it just won't play through the BT headset even though everything is telling it to play through it.
I'm just going to stick my wired headphones in because that always works.


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