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Neon LTS - WOW!!

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Neon LTS - WOW!!

Sun Dec 18, 2016 1:44 pm
I have been struggling with buggy plasma 5 distros for a while.
Then a couple of days a go I downloaded the new Neon LTS. This has to be the best Plasma 5 Distro to date.
Rock Solid, no bugs or crashes. Memory footprint less than my Xubuntu 16.04 install. Smooth graphics, this is a dream distro.
It has had 48 hours uptime without a single issue.
The only thing I had to do after installing all my usual apps, was to uninstall libreoffice-gtk & install libreoffice-gtk3 to get integration right.
A big Thank You to all Neon devs for a wonderful distro. Keep up the good work.


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