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Unable to login after update

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Unable to login after update

Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:20 pm
So I installed KDE Neon 5.8.3 and was able to login like normal. Then I was prompted to update. This took me to 5.8.4 with a completely different login screen. This screen shows my login name and I can type my password but when I click enter nothing happens. There is a sessions droop down at the top left that does nothing. CTRL+ALT+F1 - F3 do not work but F4 does. If I login to the terminal and attempt to unlock the session via:
loginctl unlock-sessions
It processes the command without error but when y try and CTRL+ALT+ F5 - F12 nothing happens. I am unable to get back to my graphical interface login. If I type w in the terminal screen it shows that I am logged in on F8 and F4. F4 being the terminal I am currently in.
Not sure what I can do to fix this issue. I would kindly appreciate any assistance with getting this resolved. Thank you.
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Re: Unable to login after update

Fri Mar 10, 2017 10:19 pm
Are you on user edition or developer edition? You should be using User Edition if you don't want crashes; Developer Edition started using Wayland a while back, which is still buggy.
Reinstalling always helps with issues that you didn't cause and that transcend the user, such as this one.

Hi, I'm Ivan, a competent computer user (which means geek to most). I run KDE neon Developer when it works and KDE neon User when Developer doesn't work.
Hope I helped you with any problems you may have had :)


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