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hwe-16.04-edge Kernel with VirtualBox?

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Hi Guys,

Pretty new to KDE Neon, so please forgive me if the question is obvious.

I really need the hardware support of the 4.8 kernel for Ubuntu 16.04. I've done some googling and research, and it appears that it's really as simple as:

Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install linux-generic-hwe-16.04-edge

I also rely on VirtualBox for my livelihood as I do .NET development. Specifically I use KDE Neon as the VirtualBox host and run Windows 10 as a guest.

So here's my question. I know that VirtualBox has kernel modules. I was wondering if I install the 4.8 kernel (which would also install the kernel headers) and then I follow the instructions here: to get the latest version, will the Virtual Box kernel modules be rebuilt for the new 4.8 kernel? My understanding is that they should be rebuilt without problem.

I suppose this becomes moot when Ubuntu 16.04.2 hits, and presumably KDE Neon follows suit. I believe with 16.04.2 the 4.8 kernel is the default.

I did read here that the 5.1.x releases of Virtual Box no longer relies on DKMS to rebuild the modules, so perhaps things are easier now?

Any advice will be appreciated.
Registered Member
Just wanted to update everyone, that after updating the kernel VirtualBox (host) runs fine on KDE Neon. I didn't have to do anything specific, it appears that installing the new kernel caused VirtualBox to automatically build it's kernel models.

So my setup is now:

Host OS: Ubuntu 16.04.1 (KDE Neon, Linux 4.8)
Guest OS: Windows 10

Before I had both the Host and the Guest as Windows 10, but Windows 10 as a host OS is very greedy resource wise.


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