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This is features or bugs in Neon?

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This is features or bugs in Neon?

Wed Mar 22, 2017 11:00 am
Sorry for english.
I use KDE Neon some time and I have few questions mostly to developers.

1. In latest versions of Neon User Edition I found in the menu the developers tools was add in default install. This is really nessesary? I think standard user don't need developers tools to install by default.
2. Next - duplicated links to applications in menu.
For example, by default we have Okular in "Office" and in "Graphics". For what?
After install Libre Office - we have Libre Office Math that duplicates in "Education/Mathematics", "Education/Sciens" and "Office" menu container. Libre Office Draw duplicates in "Graphics" and "Office". For what this is?
May be office put into "Office" only and Okular to "Office" or "Graphics" only and etc... for other apps to it's own container?

This is features or bugs?
Thank you!
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Re: This is features or bugs in Neon?

Wed Mar 22, 2017 11:07 am
You can choose which applications appear in your menu, or move them to another category. It is very simple to do.

Just "Right-Click" on the menu button and select "Edit Applications".

This will open your menu in a file manager format. You can then move the entries around using cut and paste. Click on "Save" when you are finished and your menu entries will be how you want them.

If you don't want to see an entry (such as a developer one) you can simply delete it. It doesn't uninstall the software, but only hides it.

If you have two of the same entries. such as Okular showing in "Graphics" and "Office", you can delete the Graphics one and it will not delete the Office one.

By using the "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons, you can also choose the order your applications will show in each category.

You can also hide an entry by setting the menu editor to "Show Hidden Entries" and mark it as hidden, but it is a bit more confusing to use.

This duplication of menu entries is very common in Linux and KDE has one of the best menu editors for fixing this.

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Thank you for you guide!
I known what I can edit menu.
But maybe developers can do something to avoid users edit menu all the time.
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pludimas wrote:Thank you for you guide!
I known what I can edit menu.
But maybe developers can do something to avoid users edit menu all the time.

I'm not sure I'd say that's an issue really. While an experienced user may find it a bit annoying to have duplicate links in the program menus, a newer user might find it helpful. For instance, a user may wish to open a PDF document but is unsure of the name of the app, so they simply go the graphics sub-menu and find something like Okular is there. It's also in the Office sub-menu so you can find it there if you're looking for something to view an office document but again not sure what it's called.

Since they're just links to the program, they don't really take up any valuable space so I don't bother wasting my time hunting dupes down and editing them. I just ignore the dupes and move on with what I want to do. Besides, I put all my most used programs in the Favourites menu for quick access. And anything else I can usually just click on it in the file browser and the proper program will open it.


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