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What all gets updated with Neon LTS updates

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I'm having a hard time figuring out what gets updated if I run the Neon LTS branch. I know that Plasma will get bug fixes but not new features. I like that. Thats what I want. I'm tired of dealing with bugs that don't get fixed in fixed release distros. But are the other components (QT, framework, KF5, etc) also LTS? Will other components get bug fixes too? Will anything be getting new features that might introduce new bugs?

I want the bug fixes, but I don't want new features or changing infrastructure that will bring in new bugs. Please explain what the neonLTS branch updates and how. I'm trying to figure out if Neon LTS is a good choice for a long term OS to use on my business machine.
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Hey Fargo,

So while both the KDE Neon User and the KDE Neon User LTS are based on the Ubuntu LTS base, what is great with the LTS version of KDE Neon is that it stays on the Plasma 5.8 LTS platform. This means that KDE Neon LTS should be a perfect candidate for the situation you're referring to (not knowing your hardware setup, but I'll assume it's Ubuntu 16.04 stable) where you want stability over the "newest bleeding-edge" upgrades.

As for what is updated and added - only those things that KDE adds to it's Plasma 5.8 package, and below I've added some sites that might be helpful to see what is changing. This might assist you in your decision on KDE Neon LTS.

Hope this helps, thanks!

- EmpireITtech


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