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Periodic stutter.

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Periodic stutter.

Fri Apr 14, 2017 7:02 am
I've installed KDE Neon on my Intel NUC a while ago, pretty much works out of the box without any noteworthy issues.
I am dealing wil one little issue that bugs me enough to want a fix, KDE NEON, or my mouse and keyboard input at least, freezes up a fraction of a second every other so many minutes.
My computer idles around 10 to 20% cpu usage and less then 2GB ram is used (it has 8GB) and see no spike in the monitor widgets that are running on my desktop. There are also no third party drivers apart from some intel microcode.

Any other things I could try?

I should point out my system is rather low-spec (NUC5PPYH) but i think it should should be sufficient, and again i'm not seeing any anomalies in the resource department.
Perviously I've had Linux Mint (XFCE) and Windows 10 installed.

Re: Periodic stutter.

Fri Apr 14, 2017 2:22 pm
Activate display of seconds in desktop panel's clock.
If/when seconds-display stalls/blocks, remember time.
Search log-files around this time.
Registered Member

Re: Periodic stutter.

Sat Apr 15, 2017 7:52 am
I've since found out i can make it hang by moving my mouse to the left side of the screen. When it's about, i'd say, three or for pixels removed from the bezel it "sticks".
I've also found out this stickyness only applies to my input. The widgets on my desktop at least continue doing stuff as far as I can see withing such a small time frame.

Should there be something there? I've disabled all screen edge actions.

Any specific log you want me to look at? Syslog shows me nothing of interest.


Problem also exists in recent Ubuntu release. So it doesn't seem to be bound to KDE at all.


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