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KWin is unstable - won't boot

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KWin is unstable - won't boot

Mon Apr 24, 2017 5:59 pm
Hi everyone,

Newbie Neon user here. I installed Neon probably 6 months ago. I started having an issue wherein windows would crash closed as soon as I tried to open a folder. So - Open Dolphin, that's fine. Then click on a folder I want to open and the window would crash closed.

Over lunch today it occurred to me that I hadn't rebooted my computer in probably 3 months. Went to the main menu button, clicked "reboot" and nothing happened. I clicked "shutdown" and again nothing happened. Tried this a few times with no luck, so finally I pressed the power button on the front panel of the tower. Nothing. So, I just pressed the reset button. FAIL.

Now when the computer tries to boot, I get this message:

KWin is unstable.
It seems to have crashed several time in a row.
You can select another window manager to run:
(dropdown menu with only option as kwin_X11)

Two buttons: OK and cancel. Pressing either one will freeze the cursor for about 2 seconds and then back to the window like nothing happened.

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance!!


Re: KWin is unstable - won't boot

Tue Apr 25, 2017 4:28 am
As far as I can understand Your description,
Your computer is booting just fine.

I suppose, You get to the graphical login screen successfully.

Only then Your problems seem to begin.

I suggest, You press Contol-Alt-F1, log Yourself into text mode console,
and then try:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

and if this leads into error messages:
sudo apt full-upgrade

sudo reboot

Then see, if anything got better.

Re: KWin is unstable - won't boot

Tue Apr 25, 2017 4:41 am
To avoid similar problems in the future,
You should always create a second user account.

You can use it in case of problems.

If it's working, then You always know that
the configuration files of Your standard account
are flawed. And You have something to compare
and to copy over into the other account's home directory.
Registered Member

Re: KWin is unstable - won't boot

Tue Apr 25, 2017 12:34 pm
Hi everyone,

Quick update - got some help from another forum. Basically, I hadn't updated anything in forever and something broke. Everything was fine once I did a distro update.

I hadn't thought of the second account type thing before, that's a really good idea, thanks!



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