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Baloo for noobs, disable permanently?

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Ok, so my initial enthusiasm for neon has waned significantly. After moving over 2GB worth of files to my home folder, my hdd was running flat out and cpu2 maxing out and my pc was running slow. After a little investigation I found that after killing the "baloo file extractor" process, everything was back to normal. Rebooted, same problem started again. Did a bit of Googling and tried "balooctl monitor" in terminal and it was indexing all the 2GB+ files I had in my home folder.

I often move large amount of files around and this is the kind of thing that is a deal breaker. I have noticed forum entries regarding baloo's behaviour going as far back as 2014 (could be earlier but I stopped looking). Disabling baloo using "balooctl disable" in terminal seems to only work temporarily and not completely. I have seen examples of disabling baloo permanently such as here:

Is this a safe method or is there a more proper way of doing it? I would like to disable it permanently, at least on the home folder.
Registered Member
Update: So eventually found Search settings in the Systems Settings. Tried adding my home folder to the exclusion list, pressed "Apply" but it wouldn't save it. It disappears every time I go out of System Settings. So I ended up turning off File searching and that seems to have prevented the issue. Shame I have to switch off File search to have a tame pc.
Registered Member
ex-Xubuntu wrote:Update: So eventually found Search settings in the Systems Settings. Tried adding my home folder to the exclusion list, pressed "Apply" but it wouldn't save it. It disappears every time I go out of System Settings. So I ended up turning off File searching and that seems to have prevented the issue. Shame I have to switch off File search to have a tame pc.
Instead of turning File Search off altogether, maybe you could edit ~/.config/baloofilerc to add
Code: Select all
only basic indexing=true
in the [General] section? That would lighter on your system.


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