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Laptop Lid close behavior - wish to stop all event handling

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Hi team,

Like many I use both the laptop display and an external monitor. To save power I switch off the ext monitor and close the lid. Sometimes I work off the ext monitor and just close the lid on the other. KDE/Xorg/Other does what most people want it to do when you close the lid. I don't want anything to happen. I don't want applications on that laptop screen to jump onto my ext monitor and so on.

In the past (Kubunut 14.04) I did this:
1) In the Power Management section of KDE Settings I un-ticked all event handling for lid and buttons
2) sudo nano -w /etc/UPower/UPower.conf. Edited here to disable any lid handling events. (IgnoreLid=true)

These options are not enough to achieve my goal. Anyone with some experience to share?



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