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Bug - Menu Items and Icons Opening on Hover

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Hello KDE Forums!

Having a bit of a weird one.

Starting today (I didn't install or update anything yesterday as far as I can recall, so no easily reversible changes) all menu items/icons are opening on hover instead of click. For example, in Konsole, I can't click File - New Tab, because it hovers over New Window on the way down and opens that instead. Same with all icons in System Settings - if my mouse hovers over it, it opens.

I'm running KDE Neon 5.10.0.

I tried reinstalling nvidia drivers, I tried using a different mouse, I moved all my ~/.kde and ~/.config/k* files temporarily to see if anything helped - no change! I'm unsure of what else to try. I updated to to KDE 5.10.0 when it came out, and this issue just started today, but should I try reverting back to 5.9? Is that even possible? The system is basically unusable as-is, so any advice is greatly appreciated!

I've checked my Window settings and it is set to focus on click, not hover.

Thanks in advance!


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