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Lenovo G505 wifi not working

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Lenovo G505 wifi not working

Sun Jul 02, 2017 9:00 pm
I am attempting to enable the wireless capabilities of a (Lenovo G505); to no avail. A step by step explanation of how to accomplish this with Neon 5.10, would be greatly appreciated. I Love this OS, but lack the patience and expertise to solve this issue. Thanks

Last edited by apachelogger on Mon Jul 03, 2017 8:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Moderator fix for topic as the topic was not useful

Re: Lenovo G505 wifi not working

Mon Jul 03, 2017 10:20 am
until you get better reply try this

open a terminal and post the output to this command----copy and paste it don't try to type it as a local user

Code: Select all
lspci -nn -d 14e4:

I don't have a laptop but I have a will get a result from this page ... ed_devices

maybe 14e4:4365 which is maker or manufacturer id of 14e4 and product id of 4365

2) to enable some wifi devices you will also need to run the rfkill command as root but for now show us the output to

Code: Select all
ls -al /usr/sbin/rfkill

Leaping ahead if you get nothing here install the package

Code: Select all
sudo apt install rfkill

3) depending on your post result for (1) you are likely to need some firmware and maybe a kernel module that works with that chipset.
but such a small post count....I don't want to leap ahead until I know good are you at following suggestions?

and how much Linux skills do you have?


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