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To-the-point feedback based on my experiences with KDE Neon

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My knowledge has grown. I feel I'm now ready to post constructively without enraging the makers. My appologies for the annoyances I had caused in the past. If one feels has anything relevant to post in this thread then one is welcome to do so. Moderation and common sense shall be appreciated. One's posts are not ignored. Just post briefly, clearly and to-the-point. Overposting out of frustration will only annoy, disturb and make the creators angry and will certainly not solve any issues. Don't expect the creators to jump in but rest assured they are willing to listen, so make your words count. That being said, I'm respectfully reporting the following experiences in conjunction with KDE Neon:

1. I have used neon-userltsedition-20170906-0019-amd64.iso.
2. Pretty plashscreen that used to give one the choice to select "Try Neon" / "Install Neon" gone and replaced with an "Install Neon" icon on the top-left (not favoured).
3. Installer that used to be centred in the middle of the screen (favoured) got repositioned to the top-left (unfavored).
4. Selected autologin during installation but on completion there was no autologin (unfavoured/unexpected).
5. tty1 came up on boot for several seconds then the system went into graphical without having to Ctrl Alt F7. Occurence: seemingly random/frequent. Expected and favoured behaviour: any tty not showing at all unless promoted by the user.
6. K3B from the Neon LTS software stack (not the old one from Xenial) throws a message on launch promoting the user to install cdrecord. On apt install cdrecord wodim gets installed instead then the message disappears.

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It looks like you may be erring on the side of not providing enough details to be able to fully understand what some of these troubles are about and what can be done to fix them. It is generally safe to err on the side of providing too much detail as that way you are at least providing enough detail for people to figure out and help you solve the problem. It is also generally preferred to open separate threads for separate problems so that each thread can focus on the one specific issue and all issues are more likely to be addressed (individual issues in these list-of-issue threads often end up getting ignored/forgotten as discussion focuses on other issues)

commentary on the specific items:
2. It sounds like your problem is that the "Try Neon" option that used to show up on the splashscreen (boot options screen?) now no longer shows up. Is that as of a new version of the neon CD image (listing which version that changed would be useful)?

5. I suspect there may be an intermittent error on boot which may be triggering it showing the tty (so you might review the problem while that screen is showing).
6. Is the problem here merely that running K3B shows the error requiring you to separately install cdrecord? I wonder if there is a reason why K3B may be installed without cdrecord (probably set up as an optional dependency or something like that).

airdrik, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Dec.
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Neon lts. Noticed: when I pause/resume videos by clicking onto them, some elements from youtube get copied to clipboard. Undesirable.

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I'm on Neon LTS. Installed from latest image. Fully updated and all. During installation I have chosen automatic login (verified after installation and it's on auto-login alright). On boot/reboot I'm welcomed by the login screen. Not always. Now I am, now I'm not. Seems to occur randomly.

In Muon package manager, if I don't enter my password quickly, a message pops up saying:
"This operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided"
I have to close out the message and continue entering the password.
That message popping up seems futile and annoying to me. Otherwise Muon works as it should.

Version: 4:5.7.0-0+16.04+xenial+build5)
Origin: user/lts xenial
Maintainer: Neon CI <>

On first launch, K3b, welcomes the user with the following message:
"System Configuration Problems: 1 problem. K3b uses cdrecord to actually write CDs. Solution: Install the cdrtools package which contains cdrecord."

There's of course no more cdrecord as it has been replaced by wodim.
If I install wodim via terminal or Muon (actually Muon says wodim has replaced cdrecord), aforementioned message is no more.

version: 17.08.0+p16.04+git20170911.0240-0
origin: user/lts xenial
maintainer: Neon CI <>

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