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KDE Neon 5.8 e 5.11.5, add Totem Player Video

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Hi, I'm new here... just joined the forum like recently users of KDE Neon.

I would like to install Totem as a first Video Player because VLC (since Ubuntu 14.04 and I don't know why) never worked well and now I found the same problem in KDE Neon.

I will explain. Whether I use VLC with mp4, mkv or avi (both on a Lenovo B50-30 with KDE Neon 5.8.5 and an Asus F555QG with Neon 5.11.5) this happens to me:
1) huge pixels grainy that go away after a few seconds and are accentuated in some changes of scene or if I use to go forward or backward in time on the movie;
2) VLC freeze when I use forward and backward buttons with a playlist. And this freeze block also plasma shell so after 30 minutes of black screen without reactivity I'm forced to a manual shutdown.
3) sometimes VLC in random mode refuses to start or crash.

Testing under Ubuntu 16.04 the problems described are the same except for playlist/black screen.

Now, before KDE Neon, I solved these problems by simply using Totem as primary video player (also configured like VLC to increase audio with mouse wheel).

I would like to install Totem and I tried to give the command:

Code: Select all
sudo apt install totem *

But Totem does not work, nor play anything or change settings from menu options. Maybe a matter of dependencies from Gnome. I do not know.

Can anyone help me to correctly install Totem on KDE Neon?



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