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Icons not showing correctly on deaktop

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I mentioned this in the post on 'KDE neon Rebased on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver' but I thought I would start a new post as this is beginning to annoy me.

System: Desktop with dual screens - left screen is primary and set to 'show location', that being the desktop folder.
Icons show correctly except for 4 which are links to URLs, to wit, different folders on my server.
The links work fine but the icon displayed for all of them is a text icon instead of the icons I set up for each link.
The icons display correctly in the desktop folder and when I start the system they show correctly on the desktop for a split second before reverting to the text icon.
When I bring up properties for each link the icon shown is correct. I have tried changing the icon to a random system icon to test, but that had no effect except I noted the text on the text icon, obviously a preview, changes if I change the icon, and when I change it back.
I noticed today when I was editing a .PHP file for my website the php file on the desktop behaved the same way i.e. correct icon in desktop folder, but text preview icon on the desktop.
This has to be an obscure setting changed by the upgrade, but so far I cannot find it.

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You'll probably wanna file a bug about this against plasma. Sounds to me like mimetype detection may be getting in the way there.

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apachelogger wrote:You'll probably wanna file a bug about this against plasma. Sounds to me like mimetype detection may be getting in the way there.

Thank you. I don't think this is so much a bug as a wayward system setting, though if it has automatically changed it may be a bug.

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