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First run user expirience

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First run user expirience

Mon Dec 17, 2018 9:59 am
i would like to discuss the idea of changing first run/ installation user expirience.

I like KDE Neon, but i have some suggestions according to rule: "Dont make me think"

- GRUB menu could be hidden by default - yeach it looks nice, but to be honest - who cares. It should be hidden by default in my opinion to not confuse regular users.
- Some kind of loading screen should be there to make the distro look more pro and user friendly
- Plasma is extremely configurable - would be nice if i could choose between 2 or 3 predefined configuration during the installation so i could feel like home from the very beginning ( maybe i could also pick wallpaper, because this default is not so great in my opinion ;) )

What do you think ?
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Re: First run user expirience

Wed Dec 19, 2018 12:44 am

is an outrage.

also there are far to many warnings and ad-ware in firefox on first start. disgusting !

not even Dolphin has a useable skel presetting. so depressing ! :<

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Re: First run user expirience

Mon Dec 24, 2018 7:22 am
There should be like "first start" configurration - full screen to configure additional software etc. ( also few predefined plasma configurations)

The installation itself could be more user friendly - hide every configuration by default. Just make it optional to show more advanced options.
I think that most of the people are not interested.

Another thing about snap and flatpack - this should be installed by default i think. Don't make me think. - people should not have know what it is.

General rule: "DON'T MAKE ME THINK".

I do agree with @zachus - make better default settings.
It would be great user experience if we could have like introduction video, some files in home directory.

You have really good distribution with great set of tools and software, just polish it a little bit and make it awesome
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Re: First run user expirience

Mon Dec 24, 2018 4:42 pm
mbanas wrote:It would be great user experience if we could have like introduction video, some files in home directory.

please not !

MX clutters all menus with a garbage video, claiming to be an "intro" when in fact its just a dude endlessly blabbering on in chaotic fashion about this, that and the other, wasting everyone's time and pixels.

Without a serious competition for a serious and concise video, we too will end up with trash like that. That MX guy does not know the first thing about intros, but thinks everyone wants to see his vane face while he keeps on blabbering. such a disgrace.


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