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Where to save .nvidia-settings-rc file

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Hello, I am been playing around with a fresh install of Neon on a spare hard-drive that I swapped into my Dell M4700. I discovered that I could de-activate Optimus in the bios so I thought that I would give the native nvidia drivers a go again.

After the install and updates, I upgraded the nvidia drivers to 430 and found a setting in the nvidia X-server settings that will prevent screen tearing. Cool. When ever I boot, I have to go to the nvidia x-server settings and tick the option and apply. If I click on the option to save the settings, a file named .nvidia-settings-rc will be created. So my question is, where do I save this file and after I save it, are there any other steps that i have to do so the settings are applied when I boot.

As I said, with this install, I have disabled the optimus option in the bios.



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