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In KDE information center some characters are not aligned

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(comma "," separated)
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Report a flaw (you might call it a bug) on KDE information center(I don't know how to call it in English, I just translate it literally),
and hope that it can be fixed.
The screenshot has been uploaded on the two URLs as follows.(Two are the same, you can only open one of them)

In KDE information center (KDE 信息中心) -> memory (内存), you can see that the characters on the right of "=" are not aligned with those on the left, they are not in the same horizontal line.

Operation System: KDE neon 5.15.5
System language: Chinese Simplified (zh-CN)
The situation reported has existed since I installed neon one month ago.
I don't know if this problem will occur in other computers.

I don't know where I can feedback problems, so I post it here. If I am wrong, please point out and tell me the right way.


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