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(Just want to rant my sentiments...)
I was reading some recent Neon reviews
And then browsing--at length--Neon's posts
So many niggles... some seem big and others... not!
However... to the upstream team, I just wanted to say--seriously--a big thank you for a really, great KDE experience!
For all the things that do go wrong, options that are not there or features I may not like nonetheless this distro gets better and better!
In my circles of influence... I can't brag enough!
Thank You

[the subject line merely reflects examples of some of my--now resolved--issues!]

;D And there's that imminent release of Plasma 5.16 too...

Last edited by abury on Thu May 30, 2019 8:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

KDE neon 5.20 - Plasma 5.20.5 - Frameworks 5.78 - Qt 5.15.2 - Kernel 5.4.0-65
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I agree. Tried Kubuntu a number of times in the past on different computers, and it never seem stable or had so many problems getting it to work. This started with 10.10. Came across a post suggesting Linux Mint KDE, so I tried that (10) and everything just worked, so I mostly stuck with it (through 12, 13 and 17, i.e. only interested in LTS releases). Along the way tried Kubuntu 12.04 and 14.04, but again problems where Mint just worked.

The only niggle about Mint was their KDE version was always behind. With Linux Mint 13 KDE, I used kubuntu backports to get a more recent KDE, but the system just wasn't as stable as I would have liked compare to no using the backports (meaning if the system was up for a couple of weeks, things stopped working right).

I didn't like Linux Mint 18 KDE, or should I say Plasma 5 as there seemed to be many features missing from KDE 4. I stuck with 17 KDE LTS (17.3) because it worked great and was still being supported. I was going to wait for Plasma 5 to improve maybe to the next LTS (i.e. Mint 19). Then the announcement there would be no Linux Mint 19 KDE. I was not going to graft KDE onto one of the other Linux Mints (that to me is asking for trouble as it's not supported by the Mint team). I tried Kubuntu 18.04, and I guess it worked, but didn't use it very much as I was interested in trying KDE Neon.

I really like KDE Neon and it works great. The only problem is that I couldn't install Calibre from the repository (it didn't like the more recent version of Qt in Neon). I installed it directly and that worked. Most important is that KDE stays up to date (though admittedly, the updates seem to come fast and furious, so I tend to wait a bit to install the updates). I also like the Ubuntu base (no interest in an Arch based distro - I tried Manjaro once, but too many problems getting the software working I wanted to use).

Currently running KDE Neon 5.22.5 and 5.19.4 (with Windows 10 in a VM); migrated from Linux Mint 17.3


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