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"Bios corrupted", not sure how to recover my work

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Hey there, running KDE Neon.
So today I had an unfortunately thing happen: I hooked up second screen to my computer to display some videos. It worked fine (after some fiddling in nvidia to get the screens to display properly) for an hour or so. Then it crashed showing a few screens which I did not have the forsight to photograph. One of them said "Bios corrupted" etc. etc.

Now when I boot I get a black screen with a cursor. I can get the login screen using cntrl alt f2, but my login doesnt work (and im not sure what i would do if it did.) I can open the BIOS screen, but I'm not sure what to do. I was also able to boot from an image of neon, but unable from there to access any of my files.

Whatever can a fella do?

Thank you in advance.



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