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(NEWBIE)Cannot boot: alloc magic number

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(I am not completely new to linux but I have no experience with neon)
Hello fellow users,
I am trying to boot from my neon usb but I get an error along the lines of
Code: Select all
"error: invalid magic number Alloc magic is broken at 0x7860ada0: 78491020 Aborted. Press any key to exit"

I downloaded the iso and verified my download and used the dd command to burn it to the usb:
Code: Select all
sudo dd bs=4M if=~/Downloads/neon-user-20200207-1737.iso of=/dev/sdb status=progress && sync

(Ignore the typos because I had to rewrite it. The actual write was successful.)
I am using Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon 64bit.
Timely help would be appreciated.


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