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What's the word on Neon and Snap installs now?

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I apologise if this is an FAQ I am missing but I am curious what the word on the KDE team is on Snap installs by default from Canonical?

We all know about the move in Ubuntu 20.04 to snap pack installs by default and the controversies surrounding such.

Mint has come down with a firm "NO!" So we know what they think. But in regards to Neon I can only read a statement on the KDE team from 2017 saying "Yes!" but that was a while ago.

So how will software be supplied by default in Neon? Debs? Flatpaks? Snaps?

I am not absolutely against snaps but not pro them as default either. I fear if Neon goes 'snap happy' it will fill up my system partition FAST with dependencies given the range of software I use. But also know that the future of Linux SW packaging is now snaps and flatpaks, agreed by the Gnome and KDE teams among other Linux

But I cannot see anything recently on how Neon, specifically, is going in regards to software installs when the new base becomes Ubuntu 20.04.

I have standardised on Neon (which I find very fast and reliable) across my tuition business and I use a mass of different apps so this is something I need to consider... including whether I have to double or treble my system partitions which would be painful.

Many thanks, and by all means refer me to anything online I have missed that gives the word.
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hopefully default only DEB!!!!!
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jedipadawan wrote:So how will software be supplied by default in Neon? Debs? Flatpaks? Snaps?

All of them. None of them. Either of them. We go where the current takes us.

Annoyed with bbcode since 1999.
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apachelogger wrote:
All of them. None of them. Either of them. We go where the current takes us.

OK< a couple of things...

First, an apology for my delay in response. I have been flooded with work. Unlike many I can work via Zoom and I am overwhelmed! Oh, and a nasty stomach infection that laid me low.

Next, Many thanks for Neon. o) Seeing the tag 'KDE Developer' offers me the chance to pass on my gratitude to your team.

For me, the only DE that works to my liking and that I have been able to get other to use successfully for any actual work has been KDE. I also want to add that Neon just works. Having got converts out here in Indonesia, only Neon consistently gets the hardware right. If I try Ubuntu or OpenSuse or Manjaro or whatever, even if the touchpad, sound card or wifi are recognised on install, it's guarenteed to fall over next update.

Neon does not. It works. I cannot say why this is. But I do not even bother trying with Kubuntu and co. I install Neon and set up for a user knowing it will work.

I think KDE and Neon are marvelous!

OK, if I can dare to try pin down anything, I get that Neon will be open to all, I understand that. But when Neon is rebased and I want to install, say, 'openshot' using Discover, how will it be installed? Will there be an 'invisible default' or will there be buttons or a drop down for 'install by deb', 'install by snap,' install by flatpak' or whatever?

Having the snapd and flatpak apps installed by default I can understand but given most users are going to install software via Discover there has to be a decision on how Discover is going to handle these packaging systems.

I understand firm decisions have likely not been made yet but I assume such is being discussed?

Again, many thanks. I'm really grateful for the work you guys do!


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