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Could not start ksmserver. Check your installation

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Hello all,

strange problem on my KDE Neon here. I saw this message twice before upgrading to Neon 20.04. But only twice within a year. That's OK. But now, sporadically. Almost every time the system is started. And if klick at the ok button, the whole deskop freeze. Ein can only reboot the maschine with changing to an TTY.

I checked out the xession-error logs, xorg Logs, some forum posts, they telly about problems with nvidia, Kernel, and old files under xdg/autostart. I've checked every file in autostart. Als exec are executable and available. I've booted the system without any autostartapp 10times, and yes i get the error message 4 Times. My workaround this time is to move the messeage to another deskop, because everything is working fine. I just can't click ok there, because plasma freeze.

Here is my xsession error, maybe some one see things that me help to solve this issue. ... ion-errors

And if i looked at the process, i see this:
Code: Select all
ps ax | grep ksms
   5301 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/bin/ksmserver
   5902 ?        S      0:00 /usr/bin/xmessage -geometry 500x100 startkde: Could not start ksmserver. Check your installation.

So you can see, the server is running. So why this error message?

Very Thanks


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