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Can't boot install KDE Neon because of nouveau w/ GTX1080

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I double checked my iso, tried to install from balena on my laptop with Mint and in my Windows. It won't boot plugged on my GTX 1080, but it will on the mobo. I even updated my ASUS UEFI Bios. Then, it will start looping with this message on screen:

nouveau 0000:01:00.0: secboot: HS load failed, ret 0x00000023
nouveau 0000:01:00.0: gr: init failed, -22

Sorry if posted in the wrong section.
Registered Member
willsoixantemere wrote:I double checked my iso, tried to install from balena on my laptop with Mint and in my Windows. It won't boot plugged on my GTX 1080, but it will on the mobo. I even updated my ASUS UEFI Bios. Then, it will start looping with this message on screen:

nouveau 0000:01:00.0: secboot: HS load failed, ret 0x00000023
nouveau 0000:01:00.0: gr: init failed, -22

Sorry if posted in the wrong section.

Have you tried denylisting (formerly 'blacklisting') the nouveau driver? On arch linux there are multiple ways to do this - at boot time using grub, or creating a .conf file inside /etc/modprobe.d/


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