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20.04 Installation w/ disk encryption but unencrypted /boot

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Hi folks,

I am trying to set up KDE neon from scratch on my old thinkpad, i.e. erasing all partitions and install freshly.

The current behavior of the installer is to setup to encrypted partitions, one for the filesystem and one for swap:

Due to his I have to decrypt my partitions in GRUB which does not work well: when entering a wrong password nothing happens for a long time and then I end up in a busybox shell instead of getting a new chance.

Instead, I would prefer to (manually) setup the following:

- an unencrypted /boot partition
- an encrypted volume group containing the root directory and swap
- some the nice looking password prompt I was used to in prior KDE neon versions

But I cant figure out how to set up this using the installer:

- I created two partitions:
- … and a volume group:
- but then I get stuck when I want to create space for "/" and swap within the volume group

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? :-\


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