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No sound after update to 20.04 pipewire 0.3.8-1 Intel Audio

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Re: No sound after update to 20.04

Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:50 pm
I've submitted a bug report here:
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Kind of fixed it. Now I have sound :)
As @rechapita said, reverting pipewire to the previous version (0.2.7-1) did the trick. One drawback is that Discovery is always offering to update.

To install pipewire 0.2.7-1:
Code: Select all
sudo aptitude install pipewire=0.2.7-1

Will have to wait for a pipewire update; the current 0.3.8-1 is not working for me.

Thanks everyone for the help.

Edit: HDMI audio is not working :(
Edit2: I just had to selected the correct audio profile in Audio Settings --> Advanced
Edit3: If no audio after restart, try selecting output with "pavucontrol" (@paulfeakins)
Edit4: moved @paulfeakins bug report to KDE Neon follow up in:
Edit5: more permanent workaround thanks to @rechapiita
add this line to autostart and restart
Code: Select all
sh -c "systemctl --user stop pipewire;systemctl --user stop pipewire.socket"

Last edited by danielcirco on Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: No sound after update to 20.04

Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:36 am
[quote="danielcirco"]Kind of fixed it. Now I have sound :)
To install pipewire 0.2.7-1:
Code: Select all
sudo aptitude install pipewire=0.2.7-1

Does this require a reboot?

As I downgraded as above and doesn't work yet but haven't rebooted (as that is my home computer and I'm at work now).
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Re: No sound after update to 20.04

Tue Sep 01, 2020 10:05 am
paulfeakins wrote:Does this require a reboot?

yes, it does ;)
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Re: No sound after update to 20.04

Tue Sep 01, 2020 10:08 am
danielcirco wrote:
paulfeakins wrote:Does this require a reboot?

yes, it does ;)

Nice, will give it a go when I'm home later.

I use GnuCash for our accounts and the update has made entering data in to that really nasty - there's an extra click to make fields editable whereas before you could click and drag immediately to select text. Now you have to click first then click again to drag and select etc. Not sure that fits with the KDE philosophy of fewer clicks (e.g. one click file opening).
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Re: No sound after update to 20.04

Tue Sep 01, 2020 8:55 pm
Update Neon linux and again there is no analog output and sound on the speakers. I'm starting to wonder if the gentlemen who make the distribution know what they're doing or who the gentleman scientist is in charge of the audio. Arrived update nicely writes pulse, signs for sound and then chaos. There is no analog sound in the settings, it has a motherboard with a 7 + 1 audio card, so far it has had a choice of all possible combinations of analog output in the settings. It doesn't exist now, the system doesn't see it.
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Re: No sound after update to 20.04

Wed Sep 02, 2020 11:18 am
danielcirco wrote:Kind of fixed it. Now I have sound :)
To install pipewire 0.2.7-1:
Code: Select all
sudo aptitude install pipewire=0.2.7-1

Doesn't work for me after reboot.
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Re: No sound after update to 20.04

Wed Sep 02, 2020 11:19 am
alideda wrote:I'm starting to wonder if the gentlemen who make the distribution know what they're doing or who the gentleman scientist is in charge of the audio.

Yeah, while I don't doubt how complex the code is, it's definitely not cool that this update has broken basic audio functionality. It's not immediately clear where the blame lies though.
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Re: No sound after update to 20.04

Wed Sep 02, 2020 11:28 am
Using "pavucontrol" I was able to select the correct audio output and sound works again nicely.
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Re: No sound after update to 20.04

Thu Sep 03, 2020 10:11 am
paulfeakins wrote:Using "pavucontrol" I was able to select the correct audio output and sound works again nicely.

The first solution was to delete, uninstall a file. It worked for a couple of days. Then the system started again not recognizing the analog output. There was a long-standing solution in Manjaro to delete the Pulse directory on /home/.config and reboot. It was in Manajro 2 years ago. And this solution was short-lived. Then came the update and the system had an analog output today, not tomorrow. I deleted and reinstalled the alsa and pulse kit but the problem remained. The kernel and pulse update came and there the system definitely lost the analog output to the speakers. Again reinstalls alsa and pulse. Pavucontrol is a well-known program for a long time, but it is useless if the system does not see the analog output, so it cannot set what that program does not see. I don't know what went wrong. It is symptomatic that Manjaro and Arch do not have this problem and have the same plasma versions, kernels that are for Ryzen processor 5.8.5 and I have Bulldozer AMD processor and Neon has regular kernels that came with the installation.
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Re: No sound after update to 20.04

Thu Sep 03, 2020 5:42 pm

Here is a good reference on how to troubleshoot audio problems in Linux. ... ooting.htm

I think you have to diagnose the problem first and see if we are having the same issue with pipewire, It would be useful if you share your logs and some command outputs, also, have you tried the accepted solution?

Note that ALSA is below Pulse Audio as seen in this example ... _sound.svg
so if pulseaudio is not seeing it, then you have to find if is recognized by ALSA.

Please send this info
- syslog (preferably via or similar)
- check automute off and leves in alsamixer
- output of [code]aplay -l[/code]
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Re: No sound after update to 20.04

Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:34 pm
I followed up on the previous discussant because the topic is a sound problem. Thank you for the link, but I am a retired and before retiring I ran the bank's computer center and worked on the most modern machines that did not work under Linux and unix, at the end of my career I ran a municipal computer center and designed a new information system with the team. To mention PDP11, Vax, Bull 8000, Bull 9000, Tera data RDBC, Media server, etc ... I've been trying various Linux distributions for years and I think I've read a lot and I don't want to learn anything from scratch where some basic settings of computer science change to every couple of years. The Japanese who trained me for the Fujica dual mainframe system taught us very thoroughly. One man can't know everything and he shouldn't, but he should know what he is doing at any time of the day or night because I worked 3 shifts. It is normal that I tried to solve the problem myself and I solved it, but I think that reinstalling alsa and pulse audio takes me back to the period of windows 95 and I am in the 21st century. Every time I turn on the computer I have to think about whether the boot will work or whether an update will arrive that will break something. I think I will go back to windows 10 again, there is a global restore point, click and done, if the system fails in a regular boot I have a restore point and in a few moves the system is re-enabled. You confuse me with your questions about what happened and everything is described in that discussion and other discussions. If the hardware was a faulty system it would not work ok under Manjaro and Arch.
Thanks for trying to educate me and for your time spent. :)
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Re: No sound after update to 20.04

Fri Sep 04, 2020 4:40 am
@alideda I agree, is not nice that an update breaks the audio :(
Sorry If I confused you, it wasn't my intention. :)
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Re: No sound after update to 20.04

Fri Sep 04, 2020 12:52 pm
Bad luck, first it was Alsa and then forcing Pulse, pulse, pulse. Even after knocking and skipping, the pulse became standard and normalized. I mentioned the alsa mixer, don't you think I started it and set my sound card from the motherboard but it doesn't help. There are so many things that have started to bother me, deja vu. The same mistakes are repeated, only they jump out of the water like a shark after a couple of months or years. I worked with the Krusader program, again forcing Dolphin, I barely got used to it because it looks like a windows program and I used TotalCommander there. Any fine additions to Dolphin and suddenly after 10 or more years Dolphin has become dangerous, it can't go into root mode. The eternal separation of CLI and GUI, so Microsoft has long since mastered that. Whether running on Linux for leisure or making money the primary goal is for the system to work and not to turn ordinary listening to music into a nightmare. The phrase that you have to know what is behind the click on the icon is obsolete, it is easier to click the mouse than to remember the pieces and possibly make a mistake when typing and create chaos. It is not clear to me whether Neon is an RR distribution or not. Neon itself changes every day e.g. 5.19.0 today 5.19.5 and is declared to work because it is on a stable LTS Ubuntu basis. I'm currently working on an update and I'm eagerly waiting to see if everything works.
Thanks for for your time spent. :)
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Re: No sound after update to 20.04

Sun Sep 06, 2020 12:06 am
This is effecting me as well. Just upgraded. Was previously working fine.

Killing pusleaudio fixes it.


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