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Please Help Me Fix Plasma or the DE

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Please Help Me Fix Plasma or the DE

Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:33 pm
I am unable to get my desktop back into working order. I think something with the themes or wallpapers got messed up I am not sure. It was loading nothing at all at first. After some work I am now able to use it in a very rough manual way. Plasma desktop loads but i just get an empty panel on the bottom and can not see or use any widgets preinstalled on it. I am unable to add widgets and I have to run everything from terminal which I access with cntl+alt+t

This is the only info I know to provide
Operating System: KDE neon 5.20
KDE Plasma Version: 5.20.0
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.75.0
Qt Version: 5.15.0
Kernel Version: 5.8.0-23-generic
OS Type: 64-bit
Processors: 4 × AMD Ryzen 3 3200U with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx
Memory: 5.7 GiB of RAM
Graphics Processor: AMD RAVEN

if i do export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 i can prevent the runtime dir not set error
kf5-config --version
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-username'
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-username'
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-username'
Qt: 5.15.0
KDE Frameworks: 5.75.0
kf5-config: 1.0

(There are more errors like these)
cat /var/log/syslog | grep plasmoid
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.panel/contents/ui/ConfigOverlay.qml:392: TypeError: Cannot read property 'applet' of null
/usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.desktopcontainment/contents/ui/FolderView.qml:542:9: Type PlasmaExtras.ScrollArea unavailable
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.panelspacer/contents/ui/main.qml:53:5: Unable to assign [undefined] to QQuickGridLayout*
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.keyboardindicator/contents/ui/main.qml:32: TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.desktopcontainment/contents/ui/main.qml:274:5: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
Cyclic dependency detected between "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/global/Globals.qml" and "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/NotificationHeader.qml"


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