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restore old themes?

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restore old themes?

Fri Oct 23, 2020 10:33 pm
I've used KDE since KDE3, now use Plasma 5 (P5) on strictly Unix[-like] operating system (OS) distributions (distros) except administer KDE Neon for family members. We want many the old KDE themes back that were in KDE3,P4, even earlier P5, such as Oxygen. I copied my Oxygen icon folders from one of my own PCs to the family one. Usually that worked on older versions or other OSes with older KDE, i.e., those icons became available as an icon theme. Now it seems on Neon, they don't. How can they be re-added? Shouldn't they still be downloadable somewhere?

Also, I was the one who suggested give the *option* of klipper (Oxygen) icon being scissors, but it was entirely replaced with those, rather than an option. As I no longer have a text editor icon by system tray (was confusing) rather than widgets, I'd like the earlier Oxygen back that just had a plain clipboard...

We really dislike the newer, Android or Windows-inspired monochrome themes: ugly, and not very helpful in letting you see what's what faster (like on the logout screen) so we just need to use the Oxygen theme. Crystal was a nice theme also (might want to use it for backup theme.)

programmer since 1993, UNIX user since 1997, X/KDE user since '0s, forum member since 2008-11
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Re: restore old themes?  Topic is solved

Fri Oct 23, 2020 11:36 pm
Search the KDE store. You might have to dig, but you might be surprised at some of the things you might find that actually are fairly recent additions

a quick example

Me, going back to KDE 2, I always thought that Klipper, being a clipboard, should not be a pair of scissors :)

claydoh, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Oct, and KDE user since 2001
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Re: restore old themes?

Fri Oct 23, 2020 11:47 pm
Sure, I searched KDE store, but because how configuration is done (global theme, plasma style, icon theme) things are confusing (don't need the global theme, just icons, but plasma style would be nice also) as I have no idea what's what (theme or style or icons) there or how to get the parts of it we want.

Also theme/style should be easier, like configurable all at once, and allow the user to save different/custom parts as part of a configuration. I may sometimes choose Oxygen or its (dyatime) Air theme (on my own Slackware PC, not now on Neon family PC of course) but then I must go back through everything including changing my GUI style to be like Windows (or classic SGI Unix & Apple were nice in KDE3) and restoring my custom mouse pointers (that I pixelled... plan to work on them more then probably release it but need to relearn making X pointer sets like with Gursor Maker... is it acceptable to copy in a few/couple missing ones from Breeze/etc. icons if the rest of my cursors will be CC0 or CC-BY-SA or GPL or whatever the Breeze ones are under?)

programmer since 1993, UNIX user since 1997, X/KDE user since '0s, forum member since 2008-11


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