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Are there install/uninstall logs for discover? If so, where

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Tony Ludwick
Registered Member
Are there install/uninstall logs for discover? If so, where would they be?

I have an elderly customer that i set up KDE Neon 5.19 for. She was attempting to run updates with discover and got confused. Removed a product that she didn't she needed. after that the systems detects her printer, but the printer will not print. Also, something happened to her task bar where the task manager no longer works and all of the items on the task bar are slid over to the left next to the menu button. I am not positive if what she removed had anything to do with her problems, but wanted to verify that. I want to make sure that she did not remove something that she needs. So I was hopping to find out where the discover logs are so I can identify what she removed. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.



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