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Install Ubuntu Studio on KDE Neon

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Install Ubuntu Studio on KDE Neon

Tue May 18, 2021 4:47 pm
I have seen on the official site for Ubuntu Studio that it is possible to install all its software and configuration on any official Ubuntu flavor. I have also noticed that they recently switched to KDE Plasma as the default DE.

However, I´d really like to have all the customization and latest features of KDE Plasma that comes with KDE Neon. Also, I like a bit more the range of customization available on KDE Neon (when I tried the Live version of Ubuntu Studio, I wasn´t able to find many of the options available on KDE Neon, not even the widgets).

So, my question is, since KDE Neon is based on Ubuntu LTD, is it possible to use the same commands to install the Ubuntu Studio software on it? Or would there be any inconvenient on doing so?

I´m mainly interested on the music side of it, the low latency kernel and the Ubuntu Studio Controls.

Thank you
Registered Member
I've installed the ubuntu studio packages onto Kde Neon many times. Never experienced any problems with it, but still.. every system is different so proceed at your own risk. :)


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