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Can't install KDE Neon, I think I don't have UEFI

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I haven't used linux before. I'm trying to install KDE Neon alongside Windows 7 from a usb, but when I run the installer it comes up with the error
command 'grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=neon --force' returned non-zero exit status 1
grub_install: error: /boot/efi doesn't look like an EFI partition

I think this is because I don't have UEFI on my computer, I only have legacy bios? Does anyone know how to install KDE Neon on my computer in legacy bios? I don't want to uninstall Windows

Edit: I got it to work! If anyone else is having the same problem, here is what I did: I opened the installer, I chose the manual partition option. Then I created a 300MiB partition with the boot flag enabled and mounted at /boot/efi. Then I created another partition that was as big as I wanted my KDE neon partition to be. Then I clicked next and let it install and it worked!
Registered Member
There is no need to do this. ;)
I think the way the iso image is transferred to the usb stick really matter.
Just for example, I use Rufus under windows.
I simply choose "MBR" and "Bios CSM" in preferences and all is done.
In the boot menu I can select UEFI usb device or no UEFI device.
Choosing this option (not UEFI) I've never had a problem.


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