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KDE neon in virtual box

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KDE neon in virtual box

Fri Sep 10, 2021 6:29 pm
Hello. This is my first post.
I'm Japanese and I'm still learning English, so my expressions may not be correct.

Now, let me get to the point.
I am using KDEneon with VirutalBox, and I have three bugs.

It goes into blackout after startup.However, it can be fixed by executing "pkconf update" and rebooting.
However, when I try to start it later, it goes blackout again and is very unstable.

Second, I can't change Plymouth. It looks like it's been changed, but it hasn't.

Third, when I boot with EFI enabled, it goes into the EFI shell screen and won't boot.

Please tell me how to deal with this.


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